Laser Hair Removal Near Me


Laser Hair Removal Near Me

Published on 7:45 pm, Thu, 18 July 19

Tired of shaving and waxing, many women and men turn to laser hair removal for a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution to unwanted hair.

In order to begin this process, they may research providers and educate themselves about the procedure. Some may look online to find a qualified laser center that’s near their home or work and search for: Laser hair removal near me.

If this sounds like you, continue reading for everything you need to know about laser hair removal, including how to locate a skilled and experienced laser specialist.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal is a noninvasive procedure designed to eliminate unwanted hair from the face and body.

During treatment, a handheld device emits highly concentrated light as a series of pulses. This energy is absorbed by pigment in hair follicles and disables the follicle’s reproductive cycle.

As follicles become irreversibly damaged, patients will note significant reduction in hair and slower regrowth.

Why Are Multiple Sessions Needed?

There are a number of advantages to laser hair removal. Most sessions take 10-60 minutes, it requires zero downtime, and the treatment produces permanent results.

However, a series of six laser hair removal treatments is recommended for optimal results. You may be wondering why that is.

It turns out that the laser can only act on follicles that are in the active phase of the growth cycle. Therefore, patients must return every six-to-eight weeks in order for the laser to target follicles when they are in this stage.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

Most patients report that laser hair removal is far more comfortable than a wax.

In fact, most individuals say it feels similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin and becomes less noticeable as the treatments progress.

How to Find Best Laser Hair Removal Near Me

If you are looking for a more permanent way to eliminate unwanted hair, you’re likely wondering: How to find the best laser hair removal near me?

To ensure that you are receiving safe and effective hair removal, insist on treatment in a medical setting with a qualified and experienced provider.

It’s also important to schedule a consultation to gain a better understanding of the procedure and decide if you feel comfortable with the practitioner’s level of expertise and treatment plan.

Get Started with Laser Hair Removal Today

If you are considering laser hair removal, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly skilled and experienced providers.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Appointment Today !!